Seminary : Implementation of the Gender Climate Change and Agricultural Support Program (GCCASP)

It is with great evidence that climatic change is having a negative impact on societies and the environment as well. Africa in particular is greatly affected by climatic changes as to what concerns agriculture because as the exposures and vulnerabilities are increasing, the means to respond to these are low. It should be noted that agriculture is the mainstay of most African countries which is vulnerable to climatic change and involves women small holder farmers.The event took place in july 2016 at Hotel Mansel where the Minister of Women’s Empowerment and the Family Abena Ondoa took part. 

In view to this problem, a meeting was held by NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency with Financial support developed a program known as Gender Climate Change and Agricultural Support Program in order to intervain and empower rural women and in particular smallholder farmers so that they can better cope with the impacts of the climate change and enhance them to participate in the agricultural sector, close institutional gaps and encouraging dynamic groups. It is carried out in African countries of which Cameroon is one with Niger, Rwanda, Malawi and Ethiopia where a total of 170 000 women will be taken. The aim of the meeting was to facilitate the establishement of a partnership platform and to get donors in order to support the program.

Cameroon as one of the countries where the program will be carried out, it will be implemented in regions such as Adamawa, Center, North West and West, and 6 divisions choosen from each of the regions where these women will be targeted .Certain objectives were brought forth which include; the development of short term and long term work plan outline for the platform, develop the monitoring and evaluation plans of the program at the national level. As to what concerns the donors, participants will be drawn from Government Ministries, women associations, NGOs, private sector institutions working in the areas of gender, agriculture, climate change and women economic empowerment, relevant UN agencies.


However, It should be noted that the issue of this program on climate change was instigated or got its origin from the Accord of Paris that is cop 21.The 21 edition of the conference on climate change was carried out from the 30 November to 11 December 2015 in Paris made up of almost 200 states with the objective of establishing the means to fight against climate change. France had an important responsibility to make possible such an international accord as well as European Union. But the question that is posed is to know if the European Union has made it possible to convince other states such as United States, China and other emerging countries willing to engage.

Europe proposed a document of actuality to make points on the stakes relative to COP21 and follow the evolution of international negotiations since the conference of Lima in December 2014 to that of Paris. On the 12 December 195 States accepted the accord of Paris while waiting the text to be ratified 3experts gave their point of view according to the accord which include; a physician Sebastian Balibar, expert in durable development Cecile Ramstein and a specialist in energetic transition Anne Bringault.

In Cameroon, the project of the law that authorized the head of state to ratify the accord of Paris relative to the convention of the united nations on climate change was examined by the commission of the production of exchanges by the national assembly and the Senate .At the end, the parliamentarians adopted the law by absolute majority authorizing the President of the republic to ratify the Accord of Paris relative to the convention of the united nations on climate change.

Cameroon which is part of the Congo basin, second basin of the world made a vow to attend the reduction of 32% at the horizon 2035 through 47 actions covering domains such as energy, agriculture, raring, forestry, transport etc.

Audrey Nadine Jiki                     

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