Violations des droits de l’homme : Quand l’Unesco se fait tribunal des droits de l’homme

Porter plainte devant l'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture (Unesco)  pour refus de passeport, de bourse d’études, de remise de diplôme, de reprise des études ou encore interdiction d’émission, de publication de journal ou de livres, cela est possible. La procédure dite « procédure confidentielle » pour y parvenir reste peut connue, pourtant…

Journée internationale la femme africaine : La prise en compte du genre est réelle

S’est tenue le 02 Août 2016, au Cercle Municipal de Yaoundé, la célébration de la 54è édition de la journée Internationale de la Femme Africaine, sous la houlette du ministère de la Promotion de la Femme et de la Famille. L’occasion était toute choisie de saluer les avancées en matière de prise en compte du genre au niveau national.

Promotion of women, families and children’s rights : What does the Penal Code stipulates?

The 28 of July 2016 was the day a forum was held at the municipal circle in Yaoundé (Hotel de Ville) which was represented firstly by the Minister of women empowerment and the family (Minproff), Minister of social Affairs, Minister of basic education, Pan African vice president concerning the woman members of diplomatic bodies and the representative of the United Nations concerning Human Rights. The issue was related to the promotion of women, families and children’s rights in the new penal Code.

Seminary : Implementation of the Gender Climate Change and Agricultural Support Program (GCCASP)

It is with great evidence that climatic change is having a negative impact on societies and the environment as well. Africa in particular is greatly affected by climatic changes as to what concerns agriculture because as the exposures and vulnerabilities are increasing, the means to respond to these are low. It should be noted that agriculture is the mainstay of most African countries which is vulnerable to climatic change and involves women small holder farmers.The event took place in july 2016 at Hotel Mansel where the Minister of Women’s Empowerment and the Family Abena Ondoa took part. 


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Cameroun 72,2% Cameroun
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États-Unis d'Amérique 4,0% États-Unis d'Amérique



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