ELECAM hardy perennial of the administration.

Since its creation in 2006, elecam, the election governing body in Cameroon, is organising its first election, which is in the October 9, 2011 presidential. This with a view of ensuring compliance with the electoral law of all stakeholders for the purpose of guaranteeing regular, impartial, free, fair, transparent and credible polls.

In this respect, among other considerations the electoral board shall control the preparation of election material and election documents  within the deadlines fixed by law.

According to section 61 of resolution no.0003/ELECAM/CE of 4 May 2009 to lay down the standing orders of ELECAM, in keeping with the provision of section 20 of Degree No.2008/372 of the 11 November 2008 to determine the modes of enforcement of certain provisions of law No. 2006/011 of 26 December 2006 to set up and lay down the organization and functioning of ELECAM, elections Cameroon, has established cooperation ties with some International and national partners.

This working relationships with some state/government departments and institutions, is notably with: the presidency of the Republic, the prime ministry, the ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization(MINATD),the ministry of Finance(MINFI),the ministry of Economy and Regional Development(MINEPAT),the ministry of External Relations(MINREX),the ministry of state property and land tenure, the National Assembly, the Delegation for National security, the supreme court and the national commission for human Rights and freedom.

As for what concerns the ministry of Territorial Administration and decentralization, they would be trying to nurture the young baby into election matters in the country .While at the same time, ensuring that the interest of the state is preserved.

That is why section 40 (new) of the law creating ELECAM and its subsequent amendments say the “state services shall collaborate with and assist election Cameroon in the performance of the duties assigned to it». It further states that “the ministry in charge of territorial administration shall ensure constant liaison between the government and Elections Cameroon.”With the latter, in particular, submitting to it copies of minutes of meetings and progress reports.

In all these legal provisions, the ministry of territorial administration and decentralization first handed all electoral material in its keeping to ELECAM.Ballot boxes and the electoral registers.

Where some MINATD officials on the field failed before, to understand their role in the new dispensation, in seeing ELECAM through was during the putting in place ELECAM Regional, Divisional and Communal antennas. ELECAM teams faced stiff resistance from some Senior Divisional Officers, Divisional Officers and even some traditional rulers.

Gradually, the administration has come to understand that their role in the success of the 2011 presidential election is inevitable. That is of interest to the government that ELECAM organize an election which would not be disputed.

Following the second semester conference of regional Governors, last 7 to 9 September 2011, in Yaounde, the minister of state, minister of territorial administration and Decentralization, Marafa Hamidou Yaya, cautioned his boys to give ELECAM the much needed support and collaboration for it to accomplish its daunting task of organizing a free, fair, impartial and transparent presidential elections.

The MINATD boss knows too well that as the administrative body directly concern with election matters in the country, the role of his ministry to check the excesses of ELECAM, ensuring an atmosphere of social peace, public liberty and the maintenance of order before, during and after the polls, rest on his shoulders .By so doing they will be on the guide should the tides become stronger towards the other direction.

ELECAM does not disposed of any police or gendarmerie forces to keep peace in the event of any trouble emanating from vote-fiddling or protest of any sort. The overzealous local administrative authorities have been told to ensure that the electoral process takes place in a calm and peaceful atmosphere throughout the country. To do so, the laws of the land and the electoral laws must be respected to the latter. All the presidential hopefuls should be given the same attention.

Section 22(new) of law No.2006/011of 29 December 2006 to set up and lay down the organization and functioning of Elections Cameroon (ELECAM), amended and supplemented by law No.2008/005 of 29 June2008, No.2010/05 of 13 April 2010 and law No.2011/001 of 06 May 2011, the Election Cameroon is responsible among other things to coordinate the work of observers accredited by the appropriate national authorities

The ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization (MINATD) is  the public authority here, charged with the issuing of accreditation of election observation(900 of them already).Apart from the badges to be giving them, MINATD has gone ahead to publish an observer code, which will be handed observers. Written in English and French, the code has 14 main points, spelling out the duties and responsibilities of the observers. It also contains 7 points on the rights and obligations of election observers to Cameroon

Some quarters have it that despite ELECAM being an independent body to organize elections in Cameroon, the administration is still having a strong grip on its activities and its functioning. No chance taking here not with the recent skirmishes at the Douala Wouri bridge and the planting of explosives at ELECAM offices in Limbe.

Elangwe Esino Evaristus

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