Cameroon: Transitional Justice

  Actors examine progress made and the way forward

 Some 80 participants from francophone Africa converged in Yaoundé from 17 to19 November for the second regional conference on transitional justice organized by the United Nations Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in central Africa. The conference that was placed under the theme: A way towards reconciliation and the construction of a lasting peace” provided an opportunity for actors in transitional justice processes to share experiences and best practices, examine major setbacks and chat a way forward. Participants included regional and international experts on transitional justice, members of government from countries of the sub region, parliamentarians, representatives of political parties, actors in processes of transitional justice and political dialogue, and NGO representatives.

 It is worth noting that in December 2006, the United Nations Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa organized an international seminar in Yaoundé with focus on the state of transitional justice in the francophone world especially francophone Africa. This seminar made a successful diagnosis of the needs of francophone African countries in transitional justice. One of them was the big knowledge gap in relation to other regions of the world and the lack of knowledge on this subject at strategic and decision making level (government and legislators).

Participants left the 2006 seminar with a clear desire to fully engage in transitional justice efforts at country level and for this to be effective, they needed more professional skills on the subject. Within this backdrop, two training of trainers workshops were organized in Yaounde in June 2007 and May 2008 respectively for the first and second. 15 selected participants from countries of the sub region were trained in an effort to ensure a multiplier effect for this concept which many considered very new to the central African sub region. Today it is clear that significant strides have been made after 2006 and the need to take stock and reshape the path to the future remains dire.

With the support of the Swiss and French governments which have been strategic partners in the process since 2006, the centre seeks to use the just ended conference to place francophone Africa on the same wavelength with other regions as far as transitional justice knowledge; approaches and use of mechanisms are concerned. The conference was also a way to boast understanding of the dynamics between justice and peace, by African practitioners engaged in transitional justice processes.

Cameroon’s Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Justice and keeper of the seals Amadou Ali officially opened the three day conference flanked by other top personalities such as Professor Maurice Kamto, the Swiss and French Ambassadors to Cameroon, and the Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mme Maarit Kohonen.


Réaction de Me Sonia NDIKUMASABO, Vice-Présidente de la Commission Nationale Indépendante, Burundi

« Je tire de cet atelier beaucoup d’expériences »

Atelier arrive à point nommé car, au Burundi, nous venons juste de mettre  en place une commission nationale des droits de l’homme. Je tire donc de cet atelier beaucoup d’expériences.

reaction de Hon. ZONDOL Hersesse, Député, Cameroun

Hon. ZONDOL Hersesse, Député, Cameroun

« Une formation utile dans l’exercice de nos fonctions parlementaires »

J’ai le sentiment d’un participant comblé, car nous avons suivi une formation qui nous sera très utile dans l’exercice de nos fonctions parlementaires. A

Institutions Nationales des Droits de l’Homme Acteurs indispensables.

Protection et promotion des droits de l’homme au niveau national.

Institutions Nationales des Droits de l’Homme Acteurs indispensables.


La protection et la promotion des droits de l’homme est une exigence qui incombe aux Etats au premier chef. En outre, il s’agit d’une tâche ardue qui requiert une synergie entre tous les acteurs concernés : gouvernements, sociétés civiles et institutions nationales des droits de l’homme.


Maillons essentiels des systèmes nationaux de promotion et de protection des droits de l’homme, les Institutions Nationales des Droits de l’Homme (INDH) sont des organes dont la mission est spécifiquement de piloter les initiatives visant à promouvoir et protéger les droits des populations d’un pays donné. Ce sont en fait des relais entre les populations qui, dans la plupart des cas, sont les victimes des violations des droits de l’homme, et d’autres acteurs tels que l’administration publique et ceux qui agissent au nom des pouvoirs publics.


Visitor Counter

Cameroun 72,1% Cameroun
France 7,3% France
États-Unis d'Amérique 4,0% États-Unis d'Amérique



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